Welcome to Make Your Mark Podcast episode 74! Join Kay Suthar and Michelle Nedelec as they talk about marketing automation and system integrations to build, grow, and scale your business. Every business has a unique system, and no strategy is one-size-fits-all. So, Michelle shares how they can help customize a plan specific to individual people and the design of their businesses.
Here's a breakdown of what to expect in this episode:
• Four stages of a business
• Michelle talks about how you don't need a certain number of people on your email list to become a successful entrepreneur.
• The difference between a billboard and a website
• Top three common mistakes that people are making
• Michelle’s advice for people who rely on technology
• And so much more!
About Michelle Nedlec:
Michelle is a Director, Podcast host & guest, Speaker, Keynote, Workshops, and Seminars for both associations and open to the public. Topics cover the realm of Business Strategy, Online Marketing, and automation. She specializes in coaching Executives and Entrepreneurs and works with management, sales, and marketing teams. Michelle's style appeals to the mavericks and the heroes, the go-getters who love going after goals and achieving results.
Check Michelle Nedlec:
Webiste: https://www.awarenessstrategies.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellenedelec/?originalSubdomain=ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michellenedelec/?hl=en
Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/michellenedelec/?hl=en
Connect with Kay Suthar!
Website: https://makeyourmarkagency.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kay-suthar-make-your-mark/
Go ahead and check out my podcast https://www.makeyourmarkpodcast.com/
For more info, please feel free to email me at kay@makeyourmarkagency.com
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