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Jill Lublin

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4x Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Master Publicity Strategist

With 200+ speaking engagements each year, master publicity strategist and consultant, and bestselling author, Jill Lublin, consistently wows audiences worldwide with her entertaining and interactive keynotes, seminars, and training programs on publicity, networking, kindness and influence marketing. Jill has shared her powerful networking and publicity strategies on the stages of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, James Malinchak, Lisa Nichols, Richard Simmons, and many others.

Jan. 12, 2022

Get Your Publicity Done

#025 - Jill Lublin talks about the many simple approach to getting your publicity done. When Jill failed law school, she entered the music and entertainment industry. Working in music, Jill learned the true power perception h...

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